Klein FFA
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FFA Alumni

Welcome to the Klein H.S. FFA Alumni.  An organization for past Klein H.S. FFA members and friends to get together to help raise money to support present and future Klein HS FFA members.  Please notify us at KHSffaAlumni@yahoo.com if you are interested in receiving updates such as meeting dates and upcoming events or if you have any other questions about our organization and our purpose.  You can also find us on Facebook for the most up-to-date information or for further communication.  If you cannot attend meetings but still want to join and participate, there are informational letters attached.

Our main events are the KleinHS FFA Alumni Winter Classic which is a Lamb & Goat show held late in the year and the KleinHS FFA Alumni CDE Invitation which is held in FebruaryAside from these events, we raise money to support the KleinHS FFA Chapter by donated equipment the chapter may need as well as donating money to students in the KleinISD Project Show and offering scholarship opportunities to students are KleinHS FFA Alumni members.  Our sole purpose is to enrich the KleinHS FFA program and many of us wish to give back to the program that gave us so much opportunity when we were in high school.

If you have any questions feel free to email KHSffaAlumni@yahoo.com or you can contact Becky Brummond at rbrummond@kleinisd.net.  Below is a link for a Dues Sheet which will also be available at meetings.  If you will not be able to attend any meetings but would still like to join, simply mail in your annual dues with the form.
Thank you for your interest and we can't wait to see you!!

**Link to the New Klein Poultry Extravaganza Website: http://kisd.us/poultry **


2023 - 2024 Klein Alumni Scholarship Application Clayton Bill 3/24/2024 180 KB



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